Monday 15 September 2008


Tomorrow morning Dominic will enter full time education. He'll take his first faltering steps upon the machine's conveyor belt. I've every confidence that he'll find his balance and prevail. When Meg went full time, we worried (needlessly), that her timid personality would get the better of her. Not so with Dom. Quite the opposite. The establishment should prepare itself for the onslaught that is our youngest progeny.

This marks a watershed moment for Miche & I. You see, for the past six years my wife has devoted herself entirely to our young. She gave up her work and all that goes with it. No small sacrifice.

I'd like to say that my grotesque salary has kept the wolves from the door during these single salary years. But that would be a lie. Miche's formidable management skills, self-discipline and relentless subjugation of her husband's excesses have left us debt free. Mortgage notwithstanding.

Later this month, Miche will receive her first salary payment in her new part time job. It will be met with a sigh of relief, a loosening of belts and a fucking good bottle of wine. I'm looking forward to testing the theory that a cheap bottle of Chablis is as good as an expensive one.


Gone said...

I'm partial to a Chablis but I'm drifting toward red as I get older.Despite my baseball cap advertising Mcguigan it is Chateauneuf (la fiole)Du Pape that I yearn for.
Good luck to Dom.

jamon said...

You have taste my friend.

Mojoey said...

Tim marches on. Things get better. Enjoy your wine, you've earned it.

jamon said...

Cheers Mojoey!

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