It's time you should know something. I have another child. A son. He's nearly ten now. I know, I should have told you about him before now.
After all, he's as much part of the family as everyone else. He gets on with Meg and Dom as if they were full siblings.
So, here's some photos of him. His name's McLeod.

Hey Scott.
Cute dog...
I was married and had a dog (quite a few years ago now). I used to refer to him as my son. I still miss my dog.
And then I remember I died inside. Ha. ;)
Oops. Double comment...
Congrats on nearly making it 100 too...(forgot my manners)...
I was talking to my boss, just the other day about our compassionate leave policy. I told him that when Mcleod goes, I'm going to need a week off.
They do get under your skin, don't they.
And thanks for marking my near centenery with me ;)
SOOOOO cute!
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