Wednesday 25 April 2007

Brain Rot

Why do we confuse process with outcome so often?

Today I had the pleasure of a three hour contract monitoring meeting, with the most anally retentive man I have ever met. Form upon form, upon bloody form.

Twice he had to leave the room to "Get another coloured pen". God forbid an edit got confused with an addition. I swear, he had a spring in his step when he got up to retrieve them.

His Pièce de résistance was revealed two hours and twenty minutes in.

"Now Scott, this year we have two new forms we have to complete." He said, gleefully. "You'll see that they've been designed in Excel, so I've been able to colour code them."

He was visibly exited by this. Sad bastard.

"I call this first form 'Appendix one', and the second one I've called..."

Wait for it...

"Appendix two."

I'm not a violent man ordinarily, but I lost it. In a rage, I tipped over the tables, jumped on top of him and throttled him until he went blue.

In times like these, one's imagination is the only reprieve.


Anonymous said...

Now, if only Blogger had colour coded comments...

Seriously, though, it seems that fellow puts more energy into his system colour coding than he does anything else. I suspect there are little labels on all the cupboards in his kitchen...

jamon said...

Ohh, the fun we could have mixing stuff around ;)

I wonder about these kinds of people. What was it, in their past that made them identify more with paperwork, than the people it's meant to help.