Saturday, 26 May 2007


I like words. You may have already guessed this. As to my skill with them, you're the better judge than I.

Currently my favourite word is Perhaps. I catch myself using it all the time. The word, I think, is like fabric conditioner. Used in sufficient quantities, it can soften many things, such as disagreements, opinions and ideas. Also, when prefixed to a statement, the word can remind the listener that nothing is entirely certain.

Perhaps you know what I mean?

I would however, give up using this word forever, if it meant I could still say Fuck. This beyond doubt is my favourite word of all. I can think of none other so versatile.

The other day, I walked past a small garage and overheard a mechanic with his head under the bonnet of an old car;

"Ahh fuck, this fucking fucker's fucked!"
