Friday, 21 September 2007

The camera lies

I'm lacking the energy to disentangle an ordered thought from the mire which is my mind right now. It's been a frantic week. I'm even considering watching the TV - perhaps I'm coming down with something...

I tried going for a brisk ride in the fresh air - but just got mud up my legs and a headache behind my left eye. Bah. I did take this picture mind you;

Actually, I didn't. I took these pictures,

and merged them automagically as a High Dynamic Range photograph. That way, I can use trickery to compensate for my lack of skill. The over exposed shot picked up the fore ground and fields nicely and the under exposed shot the sunset. Put them together and hey presto! A semi decent shot. It's far from perfect, as I used three separate shots (not a single RAW), so the leaves moved a bit and hence look blurry. However, I'm pleased with my first HDR effort.